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The First PoW Purchasing Power Stablecoin


HAC is a cryptocurrency based on PoW, just like Bitcoin. HAC and BTC can achieve decentralization and prevent double-spending at the same time, and HAC can also achieve stable adjustment of purchasing power at the same time, which is impossible for BTC.

Distribution Mechanism

Unlike the diminishing distribution of many PoW currencies, the block reward follows the Fibonacci principle of increasing and decreasing in order to make it more equitable for those who participate in the subsequent production of the HAC.

In addition, the HAC uses X16RS as a new block mining algorithm to prevent anyone from having a first-mover advantage and to achieve the fairest currency distribution in the PoW mechanism.

Hacash produces a block every 5 minutes, or 288 blocks a day. The first block was produced on February 4, 2019, meaning that the distribution of HAC began.

HAC distribution can be divided into 3 phases:

In the first stage, the number of blocks is adjusted about 0.95 years every 100,000 blocks, and the reward gradually increases; The block reward is 1 HAC in 2020, 2 HAC in 2021, 3 HAC in 2022, 5 HAC in 2023, and 8 HAC in 2024.

In the second stage, the number of blocks is adjusted once every 1 million blocks about 9.5 years, and the reward gradually decreases; Entering the second phase, eight HACs will last for ten years in 2025, five HACs starting in 2035, three HACs in 2045, two HACs in 2055, one HAC in 2065, and one HAC for ten years in 2075.

In the third stage, the reward is eventually constant at 1 HAC per block.

In a total of 66 years before entering the third stage, the block reward is 22 million.

How to Achieve Purchasing Power Stability

The goal of HAC is the large-scale payment settlement currency of everyday economy, and the stability of purchasing power is an important design direction. Click below to learn more about HAC's purchasing power stabilization mechanism:

Why is HAC valuable